HUBBLe Orc team

games playd

Spike! '96

rundday oppunentressasmasha fanzkardsnoots
129.9 Onslaught FC 1 - 20 - 0 50k2 - 3 da stinkin elves wuz tougher dan we tink. an it wuz hot day. an elves run fast an awai from da boyz. stoopid game.
115.10 Da Hazard 1 - 23 - 0 44k1 - 3 da matz starta wif huug disadvanta in kards but we not carez. furst half is ok but we'r under srcutiny. da secon half is um we fail everyfink, bal slips an trulls're stoopid an everyfink else fails too.
221.10 Kislev Blitzers 3 - 03 - 1 30k2 - 2 dis one starta gud but da trulls're stoopid an 'oomies almosta made goal but da catcha slippa at da enda zon an smasha his skulla har har. ur new throwa had slippa handz an trulls're stoopid. but den we spotta young grut brotha an we starta pusha an smasha an we winna game hoorah.
222.10 Lords of Decay 0 - 11 - 4 62k2 - 3 da kaos wuz a bit too lucky wif strika but otherwif den faila as much as we did. our new throwa is real loosa but we need 'im. and after game wi got bankrupt or sumthin' like dat and lost fanz and what else. bad day. so typikal.
324.11 Faith Beyond 2 - 10 - 3 49k3 - 2 butha team wuz affakte wif flu bug an' mummis not worka nor thhug. wi made too TDz but den de undeda hitta us an' made TDs an' trulls wuz stoopid. at lasta wi winna an' getta gold.
327.11 Stone Boars 2 - 02 - 1 50k2 - 3 ok wi haf disadva as too kards an' it wuf shiny day but da matsa starta wif riot an' den wi smasha an' make flash TD wif magik. an at starta of second halva wi haf riot again an wi made new TD an wi winna. dat wuz ur besta match wif too riot even when most of ur gold wuz used for repair har har.
qf2.12 Heartbreakers 0 - 11 - 2 59k3 - 1 ok it wuz last blista day of da fall an kaos faila as wi do but den vi faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila an faila... sigh
-7.12 House of Absolute 0 - 34 - 0 55k2 - 2 oo de wuz cold day an wi spottad greeg in da fanz an rekruita 'im an den wi failas more dan enuff an thhug fumblas an gork wuz stoopid an oomies made goalz. so typikal. we getta used to it.
-14.12 Anlec YELA 2 - 13 - 2 56k1 - 1 um de starta wif gud ol' gork bein' stoopid for half da firsta halva but den vi attak an made goal at last minute wif hlog runnin for it. den vi attak again an made goal an den stoppa elffa attak an vinna an almosta made third goal but hlog gotta kicka out when he stompa at elfa man at grunda.
total fanz 455k

Dungeonbowl '97

Dungeonbowl '97 main season Best Team and Best Defense, 2nd best smashing team and TD ratio

rundday oppunentressasmasha fanzwinzkardsnoots
15.1 Primal Bloom 2 - 16 - 0 97k100k 4 - 1 oo de wuz excella starta for new seeson. ok da elva fanz pitcha invade but wi smasha den an elva tiim made fasta goal but den wi smasha an made goal an smasha an kidnappa dey goalie an smasha a bit moor har har.
16.1 Royal Axe 3 - 03 - 1 71k100k 2 - 3 oo ur coacha boutta soom stunti smellz an wi strika but den wi starta playa in da blizzard an riot emerga an den vi scora an den vi scora moor an at end mork smasha moor stunties har har.
225.1 Stone Boars 3 - 12 - 0 57k80k 3 - 2 ou de wuz blizzard wen wi starta playa but wi pusha on an gotta ball from da stunties an scora an repeata dat an den da blizzar stoppa an vi scora an den vi starta faila an da stunties scora.
230.1 Da Iron Krusha 1 - 06 - 5 77k90k 2 - 2 wi starta wif uur standa new luk an smasha da fellow orks but wif run outta of luk at second half an dey smasha us too but haf no chanz to beat uz har har even dey killa ur grut brotha oo de blitza canno standa heat har har.
34.2 Da Hazard 4 - 011 - 3 56k70k 2 - 2 oo de small gobboz wuf no challeenz for uz. wi krusha an smasha an winna. kil! kil! kil!
310.2 Onslaught FC 1 - 16 - 2 90k30k 1 - 2 da stinkin' elves haf stoola ur luk an de scora in da blizzard but den wi scora too an smasha an killa an faila a bit. oo da hlog rulez wif da saw agains' thoos runnas.
qf27.2 Middenheim Wolves 0 - 15 - 1 77k70k 3 - 4 wif had woondered wher dat all bad luk had dis'appeered. it haf n't. now it came bak. big time. first halfa wi kannot smasha 'em an wi faila almost suur td. den at seconda half dem used soom flyin' fista an wi faila almost suure kounterakt an den wif gotta tie an they wuz dat pit trap.... rah thoos stinki' oomans
-1.3 Royal Axe 2 - 03 - 0 95k60k 1 - 4 uh dat wuz quute stoopid an' fuutil matcha. an da stunties 're soo tough harda krak dem. an' de wuz not interesta to scora.
-9.3 FC Necroluxe 1 - 27 - 5 95k50k 2 - 3 den starta krakka uz like eggshellz. an' scora. an' blitza. an' blitza. at secon halfa hlog drinka ur magik potioon an' runna aroond field slicin' doos undeadz. wif think dat undead 're scarelez but de flee hlog har har
total fanz 715k, total goldz 650k

Chaos Cup '97

rundday oppunentressasmasha fanzwinzkardsnoots
124.3 Fatal Justice 2 - 07 - 0 68k0k 3 - 4 oo de 'oomans wuz newbiiz 'an wi smasha den like gobboz or snotlinz an' it wuz blizzar whool matcha an wi haf 2 riotz an' we haf no time to really hurt 'em or scora. an' wif had sumthin' called 'bankrupti', whaddaever dat iz
13.4 Anlec YELA 1 - 04 - 4 97k70k 2 - 2 oo der trolla wuz stoopid an' we loosa taktik for dem 3/4! an' pointa eara gotta smasha uz like mirakla but oo der kannot dodga har har har
210.4 Stone Boars 1 - 10 - 6 86k40k 1 - 2 we smasha stunties more dan they uz. we kikka an' krakka 'em moor. de onla stunna. inkredibla. raaaahh. now wi ar angra. wi faila an faila an faila an they suur not. but despiits dat they kannot winna uz. bah
219.4 Red Storm 2 - 07 - 1 85k0k 2 - 4 'oomies haf no chanca buf wi haf slow starta an' hadda briba dem an den wi smasha an scora da moor at enda. gork wuz a bit too stoopid dis time
34.5 Heartbreakers 1 - 15 - 7 141k20k 3 - 3 oo de guardz cum an' took brotha grut away an den wi smasha an scora an den da kaos smasha an smasha a bit too effuktual an den dey scora an den it wuz over. at litz both trulla regenera
35.5 Brown Thunder 2 - 25 - 2 97k0k 3 - 3 oo we haf perfekta defens but dey ratz runna soo fast an dey robba uz an well dat wuz it.
qf15.5 Stone Boars 2 - 14 - 3 97k40k 3 - 4 oo de stunties de haf sumthin divine aganst uz. de kannot be krakkad. de fell an' got stompad but not krakka well. an de fail fail faila. an we outdid 'em. sigh. stupid matcha buf we at goin' to semiz
sf25.5 House of Absolute 2 - 07 - 5 141k0k 1 - 3 dat startad badly wi haf kard an' niggla an' rerolla bad luk but den wi starta smasha an' take ball from dem an' de never haf it on ur sidz even de haf injura time but wif hav 2 blitzaz har har
f26.5 Star Valley 1 - 28 - 4 230k110k 4 - 2 wut kan i saiz when wi face supeerior luk an' faila an faila. dey too faila but not as kritikally as wi do but dat game kontinuuz for third over time and our luk gets a bit better but itz too late sigh. we think dat tumrog missad hiz last matz
total fanz 715k, total goldz 280k inkludin chaos cup prize money!

Blood Bowl '97

rundday oppunentressasmasha fanzwinzkardsnoots
14.6 Star Valley 0 - 23 - 2 163k40k 4 - 3 flyin' fist vs assassin an' illegal drugz vs slippery spellz an' missed bolt vs 2 hittin an' bad bad luk. quess who winz?
124.6 HC Necroluxe 3 - 04 - 5 103k0k 2 - 5 oo de startad nuf gud an' troll oo de wuz stoopid but de bobz de wuz starz an we scora an scora an kept distaanz from da coorpsez. de kidnappad graashuk an' ur prize agai' wuz losz
213.7 Heartbreakers 0 - 23 - 4 134k10k 2 - 2 oo we haf luk knockin 'em down but whazzat helps dat when wi faila impootant thingz?
224.7 Brown Thunder 4 - 07 - 7 109k30k 3 - 3 de startad wif fast td for uz an' then ur fanz gotta mad an' killa one rat an' smasha 2 otherz an' wi blitza an' smasha an' scora an' blitza an' fanz throwa rat dead wif rock. ur foulz did not work but ratz send all ur boyz tripped to da hospitaalz.
34.8 Red Storm 3 - 08 - 1 94k60k 2 - 5 oo de oomans were unlucka an' ur fanz kicked hell outta of refs too timez. at furst we kannot smasha 'em but den wi starta krusha an' killa an' maima. they haf land mine an' injury time but dat didn't helppa 'em
322.8 Stone Boars 1 - 08 - 3 112k30k 1 - 5 it did noot start well. ur only bottla wuz dud an dey interceptad ur ball stealin but den wi smasha an' steala ball an' almost scora an' then wi scora at second half after long fumblin'
sf25.8 Middenheim Wolves 2 - 14 - 0 144k50k 2 - 3 ur wi haf bad habits an' neither smashad but dem haf no chances an wi winna. kil! kil! kil!
f13.9 Primal Bloom 3 - 19 - 1 221k350k 2 - 5 da bloodbowl finalz starta wif elva touchdown even de pointaeara haf only 11 playa. den wi starta hitta dem an' ur fanz killa ref at starta of secon halva an dat wuz it. kil! kil! kil!

dethkrusha coached by kalle. last update 13.9.1997