Hunter Characters


Character are created with standard RIP character system, but with 30 cp, to reflect their special training, personality and physical build. The following special rules apply: For a very good reasons, the character may scretch these limits somehow.

Free Stuff

As base, the character has following things for free:


All standard and special attibutes are used, see RIP Characters.

Standard attributes cost 6 cp for superb (+2), 2 cp for good (+1), -2 cp for poor (-1) and -4 cp for inferior (-2). Special attributes as detailed into main rules, there is no extra-ordinary, magical, psionic or otherwise supernatural attributes in Hunters - for player characters, that is.


Primary skills

Primary skills are frequently used skills, which should cover most activities done by the characters. If the skill needed is very narrow or not useful, use secondary skills.

Most frequently used skills are listed here, but as noted earlier, players are free to invent new ones needed by their characters. Primary skills cost 1 cp for skilled (1), 3 cp for expert (2), 6 cp for master (3) and 10 cp for grand master (4, only with permission from the GM).

Also known as coolness under fire, this skill tells how well the character can handle firefight situations. In general, no skill can be used in higher level than combat skill while in firefight.

Skill to fluently speak about subjects not known to character or to get victim to do things he would not normally do.

Ability to manipulate, fix and modify electronic devices like security cameras, electronic locks or other similar devices. Expert level knowledge is usually needed for any professional illegal work, but in any case, tools are very important.

Skill to act properly in trained social environments.

Skill to fire accurately with trained weapons. Some repair and basic maintenance is also possible.

Skill to treat wounds, bind them and avoid infections. Also includes long term healing, and analyzing the patient.

Skill to fight effectually in melee. Character is trained in appropriate weapons and technics; use of any other may give penalties for combat.

"Unnatural creatures have usually a mark of the beast, having sharp fangs or claws. Some shapechangers may even change to a gigantic combat form, so do not trust in your melee skill."

General professionalism. The character has trained himself to remember little details and has certain unconscious knack to do appropriate things, like to take those night vision goggles with him or not to jump in front of video cameras.

Skill to move silently and hide effectually. Urban and rural environment should be both trained separately.

Secondary Skills

Secondary skills are skills rarely used in Hunters sessions, or are simply very narrow and thus not worth the same price as primary skills.

Secondary skills cost 0.5 cp for trained (1), 1.5 cp for expert (2), 3 cp for master (3) and 5 cp for grand master (4, only with permission from the GM).

Skill to make impressive acrobative flips, to walk tightropes and otherwise control own body. High agility is also important.

Ability to climb safely, quickly and skillfully steer surfaces, ropes and cliffs.

The skill to use computers effectually. A skilled (1) character is able to do all basic and some advanced operations with a computer, but for unauthorized work, expert level at least is normally needed. Having proper equipment is also very important thing. The character may specialize in networks, security or other aspects if need be. Otherwise, general knowledge especially about programs is attained.

Skill to drive a selected vehicle, like a car, bike, helicopter, turbine plane or jet fighter. Without the skill you can still drive common land vehicle until gears etc. are needed. Must be selected to a certain vehicle.

Character is trained in selected language. Each language must be learnt separately, not as specialization for this skill.

Knowledge about law, or better still, how to find loopholes etc. from it.

Skill to inspire, lead and manipulate large masses.

Ability to fix, repair and modify mechanical devices like different machines. Should be specialized to some specific machine like cars, trucks, helicopters or hydraulic compressors.

Sleight of Hand
Various dexterous manouvers like picking the pockets, building card buildings and doing magic tricks.

Skill to throw items accurately and long. Must train to throw more exotic items.

Free Skills

Characters can take, for free, any number of almost useless skills at suitable levels to enrich their past and education. Such skills include, but are not limited to the following: Ancient History, Artistry, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Complex Mathematics, Cooking, Dancing, Physics, Rappelling, Scuba Diving, Swimming, Weight Lifting

These skills can be added to character profile when needed later during game, if approved by the GM. No character should have many free skills at higher level than skilled (1), especially if character has not studied for many years.

Background Options

    "Upon becoming our agent you have given up your past, your family, your friends. You do not exist anymore, and there is nothing that can be used to trace you, to blackmail you."
Bughunters have no background options, at least in normal cases. From a permission from the GM, the past life might still cause some problems or advantages, but in normal cases, it is ignored.

Optional Things

No optional things can be taken unless approved by the GM. If allowed, see details from standard RIP character section.
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