Squat Colossus

The Colossus is a mobile fortress and fire support platform. Unlike a Leviathan, a Colossus has no capacity for transporting troops, but it mounts a monstrous number of large cannons and missiles.

The Colossus transports a single Iron Eagle Gyrocopter for scouting and recon missions. For each Colossus in your force one other detachment (except the supreme commander or tunnellers), may take a single Iron eagle Gyrocopter as support for no points cost. The Gyrocopter counts as part of that detachment when calculating half strength, leadership test bonuses for 15+ units and so on.

Speed  Armour    Void Shields  Damage Capacity  Assault  Transport

10cm     6            4              8             6         -


Weapons                Fire Arc   Range   FP    Notes

Heavy weapons battery  All round  45      6

2x Mega Cannon          Front     60     (1)    Place template. Roll to hit all units 
                                                under the template, ignore armour bonus 
                                                for cover. Each attack places an
                                                additional blast marker.

Rocket Launchers        Front     90 Hvy Brrge  Artillery


2d6   Result             Damage  Notes

 2  Heavy Hit            +0 pts  The Colossus is immobolised for the rest of the turn

 3  Tracks damaged       +1 pt   The Colossus is immobolised until the damage is repaired

 4  Weapons battery dmgd +2 pts  The Weapons battery may not be fired until the damage is 

 5  Mega Cannon damaged  +2 pts  The Mega Cannon may not be fired until the damage is 

 6  Rocket Racks damaged +3 pts  The Rocket launchers may not be fired until the damage 
                                 is repaired.

 7  Hull damaged         +3 pts  The Colossus is immobolised for the rest of the turn and 
                                 it's armour value is permanently reduced to 5+.

 8  Tracks destroyed     +3 pts  The Colossus is permanently immobilised.

 9  Fire                 +4 pts  The Colossus only moves at half speed and suffers one 
                                 extra point of damage at the end of each rally phase 
                                 until repaired.

10  Multiple Fires       +4 pts  D6 fires break out, (see Fire above)

11  Systems Damage       +4 pts  All the Colossus's systems are damaged by the hit. It
                                 is immobilised and may not fire any weapons until the
                                 damage is repaired.

12  Catastrophic Damage          See table below


1d6   Result               Damage     Notes

1-3   Internal Explosions  Wrecked    Internal Explosions tear through the Colossus, 
                                      killing all crew and leaving the war engine a
                                      smoking wreck.

4-5   Magazine Explosion   Destroyed  Weapon magazines explode, destroying the
                                      Colossus and scattering debris over a wide area.
                                      Roll a D6 to hit any units within 5cm.

  6   Engine Explosion     Destroyed  The Colossus is destroyed in a massive explosion.
                                      Any unit in base contact takes D6 hits. Roll a d6
                                      to hit any other units within 2D6cm.

Updated 25.4.98 - Squat index