count'R is a game session tracking tool for Series 60 smartphones.
What is the thing you most probably always carry with you, wherever
you go? Your cell phone. So it is a logical place to store your gaming
data. And while you can use notepad or BGG over the web, it could be
easier. And this is it.
- Easy and simple user interface to quickly enter session data,
with intelligent memory of previously entered data
- Free format of game and gaming place names
- Track game plays with optional duration, player count, victory
rate, gaming place and session comments
- Statistics of played games, sendable via bluetooth, infrared or
other means
However, count'R does not support a way to track all the people
partaking each session and their score/results.
The alpha release is very picky and mainly for those who know
their phone a bit:
- Series 60 phone with memory card
- Series 60 Python 1.4.5 from Sourceforge
- No .SIS support (yet), script (see below) needs to be downloaded
and initial datafile (if used) to
Software is available from here:
(version 0.2.14, 13.6.2010)
and count-r.dat (some initial data). You can
survive without initial data but I prefer entering games on computer
keyboard over the mobile phone.
I have Nokia 5500 (Series 60 3rd ed). If you have any other phone
(capable of running series t60 python) and this works or does not,
inform me and see what can be done.
New in latest versions
- Fixed statistics range input and year use (0.2.14)
- Renamed some statistics for more clarity and fixed some
roundings (0.2.12)
- Autoset duration by last times rounds (0.2.11)
- Fix to default duration, game details from current session (0.2.10)
- Fix to details and players (0.2.9)
- Statistics by players (0.2.8)
- Minor bug fix to victory count query (0.2.8)
- Detailed statistics for all games or specific one (0.2.7)
- Statistics of given place (select statistics from place tab with
cursor on proper line) (0.2.7)
- Date format as Finnish and American (configure) (0.2.6)
- Statistics date range settings (0.2.3)
- Support for multiple rounds (note: minimal data loss to 0.1
version) (0.2.2)
- Statistics (games, 10 and 5, by time) (0.2.2)
- Autotimer for duration (counts minutes since session edit
started) (0.2.2)
As there is no proper .SIS/launcher, you need to launch Python and
then select "run script".
Should be quite straight-forward. Most fields are optional and some of
them are currently ignored (static vs. dynamic location). Before using
the software for the first time you might consider adding your game
library to datafile by hand, but be careful on the format. There is
some sample games in the initial data file. Some of the menus and
fields are far from optional but this is mainly because of the
limitations in Series 60 Python which does not support all the UI
features of the Series 60.
Notes on games: base game can be used to group game variants into one
game in regard of statistics.
Remember to backup the data by sending it
(in the menu) to some bluetooth
capable computer or by copying it directly from the data
directory. Naturally you can extract information form the datafile as
need to, but as said, there will be nice statistics coming up in an
upcoming release.
There is currently no way to delete data except by hand from the
datafile. If you encounter any problems, contact me - and backup now
and then, no guarantee on anything but I intend to use this software
for all my future game tracking.
Unfortunately I have currently no interest in developing this further,
just fixing found bugs. Here is a wishlistt that would have been nice:
- Good manual, just in case
- .SIS support (i.e. installable like any other software without
need to mess up with Python) - if there is any volunteer to do this,
contact me! (as this requires Windows machine which are sparse here)
- Locale support
Send any comments and suggestions to me in IRC/sls-foorumi.
count'R © Kalle Marjola 2009-2010