RIP 2nd edition quick sheet for most typical rolls -------------------------------------------------- Standard modifiers: 1xEND damage -1 non-melee skills 2xEND damage -2 non-melee, -1 melee skills Melee Attack: ------------- last die 2, first 6: additional free attack 5+ hit, 10+ good, 13+ critical Parry: ------ same as attack: parried (-6 STR) first die 6: good or critical hit reduced to normal hit Dodge: ------ same as attack: dodged 10+ next action NOT lost first die 6: good or critical hit reduced to normal hit Ranged: ------- aimed +acc (moving) or +2*acc (stationary) (halved for normal shot) dodging target melee/2 snap shot -2, range step 5m 7+ hit, 10+ good, 13+ critical Armor Coverage: --------------- d6 for coverage; good or critical 2d6, select higher +3 critical hit Damage: ------- d6 + attack STR - armor - target TGN +2 critical sudden-death: (characters may substitute POW for TGN or END) damage END+ END+5-damage test or die pierce/firearms critical hit: TGN-4 test or die (and possibly above) non-living things/creatures: damage TGN+ TGN+5-damage test or shattered apart knock'out damage END+ END+4-damage test or K'O After these, reduce damage by weapon material/creature size