Epic Minigeddon
France rules for 1000 point Epic battles.
- 1000 points
- Battlefield : 60-80 x 120cm
- Scenario : GT with following restrictions:
- Objectives : 1 blitz and 1 objective
- objectives must be placed at least 20cm from each other
- to control an objective a unit must be within 10cm of it
- Goal changes:
- Defend the flag (control the 2 objectives of your side)
- Take and Hold (control the enemy objective - not the
- Garrisons : One garrison formation can be placed in overwatch
- Rally tests: -1 to rally if enemy within 20cm (not 30cm)
- 400 points maximum for a formation
- Non-allowed formations:
- Flyers
- Space units (including free planetfall and drop pods)
- Avatar
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