Lords of Hell Statistics

Statistics for Lords of Hell, the cardgame of unholy politics. See rules page for latest rules and other data.

These games start from the 2nd edition of the game. There is no much point to make any assumptions of various powers from them as the game has changed a lot during the design. I just wanted to list them because I like statistics.

Note: if you have played the game, feel free to send your results so I can add them, to get more statistical information. Please note the version used and some comments of gaming group.

Devil Statistics

Statistics from the following played games, from various versions of the game, excluding those games with 2 Overlords (#3) and 2 winners (#6). (Note: if the table seems ugly or hard to read, I recommend either using a modern browser or disabling stylesheets)

Devil Total
Advisors Victories As an Overlord
AMBmbg Total
Victories at
Victories as
an Overlord
as a puppet
Total times
as an Overlord
Asmodeus 32 -2525232426 75 2 57
Mephistopheles 32 25-24232727 52 3 58
Baalzebub 31 2524-222326 64 2 35
Mammon 30 232322-2324 62 4 37
Belial 31 24272323-25 82 6 410
Glasya 33 2627262425- 86 2 13
Total 40 323231303133 4021 19 2140


# Players Missing Devils New Overlord Winner Notes
1 4 (neo) Asmodeus, Belial Mephistopheles Gathering modified a bit, some other little modifications
2 5 (neo) Mephistopheles Belial Some very little modifications, mainly extra attacks
3 5 (orc) Glasya Coalition of Asmodeus and Mephistopheles Baalzebub After this, tie-breaker to multi-overlords and some changes to army moves/realm capture
4 6 (orc) - Asmodeus Glasya Some modifications still needed
5 4 (neo) Mammon, Belial Baalzebub As side-effect, game now lasts for more turns, some little modifications to few cards
6 4 (orc) Baalzebub, Glasya Mammon Mammon and Asmodeus Nothing encountered, typo fixes
7 5 (ae) Baalzebub Asmodeus After this, some trading limitations added and combat round divided into even smaller parts
8 4 (ae) Mephistopheles, Belial Mammon Asmodeus After this, changes to gathering and combat, some phases combined.
9 5 (neo) Mammon Asmodeus Glasya After this, maybe some combat changes to make it even smoother
10 6 (listrake) - Baalzebub Mammon Some simplification and timing/combat fixes after this. No more looting
11 5 (dv) Asmodeus Belial Baalzebub Some little tweakings after this, like simplifying home realms and improving 2 Devils and realms
12 5 (neoae) Mammon Belial Nothing encountered
13 5 (ae) Baalzebub Mammon Nothing encountered, but I will simplify combat a bit
14 5 (newbie) Asmodeus Mammon Some extra clarifications needed, as game was very slow for newbies
15 5 (ae) Belial Mammon Asmodeus Worked fine
16 5 (ae) Baalzebub Mephistopheles Worked fine, but going to do some little fixes to improve rituals and ease gameplay. After this, rituals are finished during combat and hordes tabled immediately when drawn
17 4 (ae) Mephistopheles, Belial Mammon Worked excellently. Very fast games, these 2 games took only 3 hours. After these, did some modifications to Baalzebub (modified) and Mammon (a bit downgraded)
18 5 (ae) Mammon Baalzebub Glasya
19 6 (ae) - Belial Took almost 3 hours to play, with one freshman. Worked fine, but I still change lots of things like victory points and Oaths
20 5 (ae) Glasya Belial Baalzebub Game took 2 hours and althought worked fine, I'm planning to do some major rework of various parts to change how the game works and where time is spent.
21 4 (ae) Mammon, Belial Glasya Test game of new turn and combat system. Did not work very well but had lots of potential. Long game, took 3 hours and was shortened. Back to drawing board. Statistics not very comparable, but added to them anyway.
22 6 (ae) - Mephistopheles Mammon New rules at second test, with some changes. Still did not work too well, took too much time with 6 players. Need to change action system. Seat of Judgement and Mephistopheles still quite overpowered.
23 5 (fr) Mammon Asmodeus Glasya 3rd edition first RL beta test! Apparently needs to change some things, like alliance forming.
24 5 (fr) Glasya Mammon Belial Second 3rd edition test. Worked more smoothly, more like little changes coming (there was some things not worth it etc.)
25 5 (fr/con) Asmodeus Glasya Mephistopheles Quick and quite well working game, although some streamlinings and victory point changes might be needed
26 6 (listrake) - Asmodeus Took almost 3 hours, although had training at the start. But back to the drawing board, had to still simplify things.
27 6 (ae) - Mephistopheles Baalzebub Took more than 3 hours, but had 4 complete newbies. Six player game is a bit slow, and although worked fine, some minor speeding and timing issues still to fix.
28 4 (ae) Mephistopheles, Glasya Belial Took about an hour, seemed to work but 4 players is a bit too few. Some little changes to certain cards upcoming.
29 5 (ae) Glasya Mephistopheles Asmodeus (9.12.2003) A 2 hour game but we skipped some parts and there was little trading. In general the ideas were good but I want faster game.
30 4 (fr) Baalzebub, Glasya Asmodeus Mephistopheles (19.12.2003) Quite quick (3 hours for both) and well working games. Some little updates were done between two games, and there is still some balancing to be made, and some enhanced strategies and victory point system.
31 5 (fr) Asmodeus Belial
32 3 (fr) Asmodeus, Baalzebub, Mephistopheles Mammon (27.12.2003) We tried a 3-player game, with one change: no realm safety deals. Worked surprisingly well, only little tuning needed.
33 3 (listrake) Belial, Glasya, Mephistopheles Baalzebub (28.12.2003) A second 3 player game, with new Oath trade favor. Worked okay, but some rule misunderstandings. 1 hour game as earlier.
34 4 (orc) Asmodeus, Mammon Mephistopheles Belial (2.1.2004) The game took 1.5 hours and had 3 newbies. Tried with 5 Oaths but I will go back to 4. Possibly some tuning to prisoners and Belial.
35 3 (fr) Asmodeus, Baalzebub, Glasya Belial (5.1.2004) A bit over 1 hour game which worked fine. Noew needs games of more players. Belial on watchlist.
36 6 (ae) - Baalzebub Glasya (17.8.2004) 4th edition first alpha test. Took 2.5 hours and needs some fixing but most general ideas good.
37 5 (rfr) Mammon Belial Asmodeus (22.8.2004) More like a test and practise game of only 2 game turns but I still list it because it was played correctly. Game seems to be quite good, some little tuning mainly coming unless something comes up.
38 4 (listrake) Mephistopheles, Belial Glasya (12.9.2004) A 2 hour game, basicly worked fine althought there was still some things that need a bit fixing, like rituals of the last game turn. Used 'only 4 bets of each Devil' -system.
39 4 (listrake) Baalzebub, Belial Mephistopheles Asmodeus (31.10.2004) A 2 hour game of revised 4th edition. No card prints which made things a bit hard and confusing for players. Basicly I was quite happy but there is things to do.
40 5 (fr) Baalzebub Belial Glasya (8.11.2004) This game took like 3 hours as rules were explained and people get familiar with the new cards. Again, things mainly worked but there is some tweaking to do.
41 4 (fr) Baalzebub, Mammon Mephistopheles (13.11.2004) With four playersa, these games together took like 3 hours, including rules teaching at the start of the first game. There was some tweaking in initiative rules and some needs that need some clarifications, but basic system seems to be solid. And 4 players is too few.
42 4 (fr) Mephistopheles, Mammon Asmodeus Baalzebub

3 games of 3 players, 12 games of 4 players, 19 games of 5 players, 7 games of 6 players