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Lords of Hell 1.2


Game Entities



Each player has Realm in where all her tabled cards are (unless on Earth or other reason). Home Realm means each Devil's own Realm. Realm size is total number of cards in Realm (including Devil itself), cards in player's hand and any obtained posts.

Devil Cards

Each player controls one mighty Devil of Hell, and has corresponding Devil card.

Devil state

Each Devil has four (4) different states of existence in this game.
  • In Hell: Devil is in Hell and free to act. Devil can trade normally. In addition, this is the only state in which the Devil can lead an army, be attacked (and captured), can cast a ritual and partake in Gathering.
  • On Earth: Devil is on Earth, recruiting new Souls. Devil can trade normally, but does not partake in combats.
  • Fled: Devil has fled from combat and is practically out of game until end of turn. The devil cannot trade with other devils, nor partake in combats.
  • Imprisoned: Devil is imprisoned by other Devil. Devil can only trade with the captor (unless that gives permission to trade with others). Devil's army can attack captor's Realm in order to release their master. If Devil is released, it can immediately go to Fled state if it so desires (or captor forces), otherwise it is now In Hell.

Regardless of Devil's state, the player can always table new hordes and fortress, draw cards normally and send to or call fiends from Earth.

Resource Cards

Any tabled or played resource cards stays on board until destroyed or discarded, they can never be taken back to hand. Tabled hordes, fortresses and artifacts can be discarded during playing phase, and tabled rituals at any time.


Horde cards represent various creatures under Devil's influence. Unless noted, each card has power of 1 in combat, and is killed when takes a hit. Some hordes have special powers explained in card. Each horde has one controlling Devil, and (tabled) hordes can only be moved between Devils during playing phase. Hordes are completely loyal to their master (unless special cards are played)

Fortress Cards

Fortress is a mighty stronghold for the Devil. Following rules apply to tabled fortress card:

  • Fortress only partakes combat when the Realm in which it is is attacked. Fortress grants defense to everyone in defensing side (in combat card results), has 1 power in combat, and can protect from extra hits. See combat rules.
  • Each Realm can only have one fortress. Is more than one is obtained, all but one must be discarded.
  • Rituals can be casted by Devil only if there is an intact fortress. If fortress is lost, discard any rituals cast immediately.
  • Realm with fortress can be looted and captured, see combat rules.
  • A devil can only held prisoners if it has an intact fortress. If fortress is lost or captor does not have fortress at all, all prisoners are immediately freed. However, the captor can force prisoners to 'escape' (out of game) until end of turn.

Instead of tabling, fortress card can also be used for one of the following uses, like a special card:

  • To escape from imprisonment during playing phase.
  • To flee from combat during combat organization phase.
  • To cancel free flee and to negate all defense points of a fortress in combat. For this use, the card must be played during organisation phase of the first combat round.

For all of these special uses, the other fortress linked to effect must be identical, so you cannot escape from Black Tower with Iron Fortress card, for example.


Artifacts are items of great power carried by the Devil. Following rules apply:

  • Unlike hordes and fortresses, artifacts can only be played if the Devil is in Hell or on Earth.
  • Artifact follows Devil wherever it goes, so if the Devil is captured, captor can immediately confescate any artifacts of the captive.
  • If artifact is usable only once per turn, it cannot be used again if the controller changes during the turn


Rituals represent mighty spells vast by Devils (and sometimes Critters). Following rules apply to ritual cards:

  • Rituals are started in playing phase by tabling them next to casting Devil. Only Devil in Hell can cast rituals, and all but Glasya are limited to one ritual per turn, and if new one is started, the old one is immediately discarded. Rituals cannot be traded after they are tabled
  • Rituals need a fortress to be upkept. If there is no fortress in the Realm, immediately discard the ritual (unless Diabolic fiends are present)
  • If the casting Devil is not in Hell at the start of any phase discard the ritual immediately.
  • Tabled ritual can be discarded at will.

Any tabled rituals are handled in Ritual phase when their effect comes into play.

Special Cards

Special cards are always played from hand to affect the game directly. Unelss noted as 'playing phase only' with special symbol, special cards can be played whenever trading is allowed, but prohibited during draw, init and award phase (and combat round resolution)

Game Turn

Turn order

1. Draw Phase (no trading)

2. Init Phase (no trading)

3. Playing Phase

4. Combat Phase

5. Ritual Phase

6. Award Phase (no trading)

6. Gathering Phase

[an error occurred while processing this directive] 28.08.2001