Retro VI

5 years from first large Finnish nationals


Swiss draw, 2 points for victory, each match to 2 wins.
Round 1                 Round 2
 Jani - mos   2-1       Antti - Kalle 2-0
Viljo - Pare  2-1       Hanna - Viljo 2-1
Antti - Tane  2-0        Juha - Jani  2-1
 Juha - Hanna 2-1        Tane - Pare  2-1
    Break: Kalle            Break: mos

Round 3                 Round 4
Kalle - mos   2-1        Pare - Kalle 2-1
Antti - Juha  2-0        Juha - Viljo 2-0
Viljo - Tane  2-0       Antti - Jani  2-0
 Jani - Hanna 2-0        Tane - mos   2-0
    Break: Pare             Break: Hanna

Round 5                 Round 6
 Jani - Viljo 2-0        Jani - Kalle 2-0
Antti - mos   2-1       Antti - Pare  2-0
 Pare - Hanna 2-1       Hanna - Tane  2-1
Kalle - Juha  2-0       Viljo - mos   2-1
    Break: Tane             Break: Juha

Round 7                 Round 8 
Kalle - Hanna 1-2       Antti - Hanna --
 Juha - Tane  2-0        Pare - Jani  2-1
Antti - Viljo 2-1        Juha - mos   2-1
 Pare - mos   2-0       Kalle - Tane  2-0
    Break: Jani             Break: Viljo


Antti's Discardhorde

2 Bird of Paradise
4 Hypnotic Specter
4 Juggernaut
4 Kird Ape
4 Order of the Ebon Hand
4 Sedge Troll

1 Channel
1 Demonic Tutor
3 Fireball
4 Hymn to Tourach
4 Lightning Bolt
1 Mind Twist
1 Regrowth
1 Sol Ring

2 Badlands
4 Bayou
2 Forest
3 Mountain
9 Swamp
2 Taiga

2 Bird of Paradise
2 Gloom
3 Lifeforce
1 Nevinyrral's Disk
2 Red Elememtal Blast
2 Shatterstorm
3 Tranquility
Tane's Dark Blue

4 serendib efreet
3 river merfolk
3 lord of atlantis
3 control magic
2 phantasmal forces
2 vodalian knights
2 clone
1 braingeyser
1 amnesia
2 sengir vampire
2 dark ritual
2 terror
1 demonic tutor
1 mind twist
2 lightning bolt
1 fireball
3 howling mine
2 juggernaut
2 fellwar stone
1 sol ring

4 volcanic island
3 badlands
3 underground sea
2 swamp
8 island
1 maze of ith

4 blue elemental blast
2 black vise
2 winter orb
2 magical hack
1 sleight of mind
1 steal artifact
1 terror
1 paralyze
1 fork
Juha's White Power

4 Armageddon
4 Wrath of God
4 StoP
3 Disenchant
4 Lightning Bolt
1 Earthquake
1 Balance
1 Maze of Ith
2 CoP: Black
1 CoP: Red
1 Karma

4 Order of Leitbur
3 Serra Angel
3 Land Tax

4 Strip Mine
4 Mishra's Factory
17 Plains/Mountain

2 CoP: Black
3 Karma
3 CoP: Red
1 Conversion
1 Disenchant
1 Dust to Dust
1 Serra Angel
1 Earthquake
2 Blood Moon
Pare's Basic Dark Red

4 Order of Ebon Hand
4 Sedge Troll
4 Juggernaut
4 Hypnotic Specter
2 Sengir Vampire

4 Dark Ritual
4 Hymn to Tourach
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Nevinyrral's Disk
2 Fireball
1 Demonic Tutor
1 Mind Twist
1 Gloom

12 Swamp
6 Mountain
4 Badlands
1 Maze of Ith

4 Red Elemantal Blast
3 Gloom
2 Nevinyrral's Disk
1 Ashes to ashes
1 Earthquake
1 Fork
1 Shatter
1 Shatterstorm
1 Tourach's Chant
Kalle's Goblin Deck

4 goblin balloon brigade
4 goblins of the flarg
4 goblin digging team
2 mon's goblin raiders
4 ironclaw orcs
4 orcish warriors
2 ball lightning

4 lightning bolt
4 goblin grenade
4 bloodlust
3 fireball

1 maze of ith
4 strip mine
16 mountain

4 uthden troll
4 black vise
2 nevinyrrals' disc
2 winter orb
2 blood moon
1 mana barbs
Jani's White Weenie

4 savannah lions
4 white knight
4 order of leitbur
4 serra angel
3 icatian javeliners
3 tundra wolves
4 sword to plowshares
3 disenchant
2 armageddon
1 land tax
1 balance
1 black vise

4 mishra's factory
2 strip mine
20 plains

3 CoP: black
2 CoP: red
2 CoP: green
2 CoP: white
2 strip mine
1 island sanctuary
1 disenchant
1 eye for an eye
Hanna's White Control

4 swords to plowshares
4 armageddon
4 wrath of god
4 disenchant
4 fellwar stone
3 jaemdae tome
4 juggernaut
3 serra angel
1 preacher
1 balance

2 titania's song
1 regrowth
1 ivory tower

4 savannah
20 plains

4 order of leitbur
2 savannah lions
1 witch hunter
1 white knight
1 reverse damage
2 dust to dust
2 CoP: red
2 karma
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