standard cybervaran
A basic varan without upgrades/modifications have following standard
mental attributes
- The mental abilities of the varans are not as impressive as the
physical ones, but they are not mindless automatons either. The
following things are characteristic for them:
- They are as bright as an average man when it comes to mission
accomplishing, tactics and strategy
- Cybervarans have no clear identity nor any pesonality attributes.
They have no name, no friends nor history (in fact they were bred
in laboratory environment a few weeks ago!)
They do not think about their existance, since are here only to
fulfill their mission (the self-consciousness of a varan may, however,
awaken during the missions. This is left as roleplaying aspect of the
- Cybervarans cannot do things like lock pickings, security systems
override, complex computer operations or taxing dexterity tasks.
- Cybervarans have an implanted/integrated computer system, which
have memory banks of all common things, like buildings, vehicles,
weapons, plants, animals, tools, items and similar
things. Simple conversation can be made with the computer system
if needed to, but it has simply a stupid program, it does not have an AI.
- Cybervarans can learn new things, and maybe they start to wonder some
day, why this all is happening...
physical attributes
- Varans are strong, fast and agile creatures, and are able to sustain
and regenerate horrible wounds. Even lost limbs can be recovered in
medical labs. The standard varan has following physical advantages:
- The height is around 2 meters and weight 100 kg (plus 10 kg per tough
and strength enhancement). Skin (or better
say, scale) color is dark green, with a possible splash of blue,
brown or black. They have no sex and they do not reproduce. They
have no sexual instincts. Or at least they should not have.
- Cybervarans are bipedal and they have arms with 4 fingers. Their
tail is a short one (only half a meter) and not for any practical use.
- Vision is similar to humans, although some long range problems may
occur. Hearing is also similar but smell is much better, although this
advantage is not exploited well.
- Cybervarans can speak in their own simple language, but
communication is mainly done via integrated radio system. They usually
cannot understand any language other creatures speak nor read any text.
However, they might be taught some languages, and is left to GM's
discretion if they can understand the language used in current location.
- Cybervarans do require oxygen to breathe, but can survive without
air for 5-10 minutes. They are immune to all weak poisons and venoms,
and suffer reduced effect from strong ones. The air they breath is
automatically respirated in their bioengineered lungs.
- Cybervarans are stronger than strongest normal man. They can lift
around 200 kg without problems, and carry 40kg (20%) of load. This load
is additional to their standard electronics/systems.
- Cybervarans move with a speed of jogging man (movement speed
10/20 meters per combat turn), but some are much faster. The running
speed (the larger number) is reduced
if the varan carries too much load, see equipment for details.
- Cybervarans have strong leg muscles and can jump 4 meters
if stationary, 8 meters with running start (this is of course reduced
by the load they
are carrying, see equipment for details). They also endure a drop from 10
meters without problems as long as they land on their feet.
- Cybervarans can use their claws to cling on walls or even on the roof.
They may climb almost sheer surfaces with ease. Consider them as very
strong human mountaineers with built-in climbing spikes. However, the load
carried greatly affects their ability to cling on walls and especially
- Cybervarans have exceptional endurance and can keep on running and
fighting for hours. Extra hard work can still tire them, however.
- Cybervarans are fierce hand-to-hand fighters, and have 3 melee
attacks by standard. That is, they normally roll 3 dice in melee
combat and can cause 3 hits. Their hands have durable and sharp claws,
so target has only +1 armor save when hit by varan claws.
- Cybervarans are very tough and durable. They have 3 hit points
and regenerate lost hit points at the rate of 1 point per 20 minutes.
- All cybervarans have enhanced visionary equipment, mapping systems,
radio, light intensifiers, sound dampers, flash protectors, thermographic
filters, target tracking and pattern matching. This allows, but is not
limited, to following features:
- The location of the other cybervarans in the team is always known
- Communication with other varans and HQ is possible over a long
- Cloaked targets can be seen with thermographic vision (use of
thermographic vision must be specifically announced)
- HUD and mapping systems allow graphical representation of other
varans of the team, so that they are not shot. It also allows mapping of
the surrounding area.
- In certain environments, life forms can be detected in close
vicinity with a bio-scanner. The exact location and number or size of the
life forms are always a mystery, but this allows the general scanning of
the target area without seeing it. The use of scanners must be announced.
Of course the electronic systems are fragile and may be damaged when
varans are hit by gunfire or melee attacks.
cloaking device
- In addition to advanced electronics (of which some are cybernetically
implanted to varans) the varan battle suit has an advanced visionary
cloaking (chameleon) device. This system makes them almost invisible,
especially in dark or gloomy location. However, when moving and especially
against a bright and/or animated background the varan can be seen as
a transparent humanoid form.
The battle suit and cloaking device grant an armor value of 5
to the varans, which is increased to 6 if attacker has no
clear idea of where the varan is. In addition, any creature/system
limited to standard vision must succeed in perception roll to notice
the varan. Even those with
thermographic vision may have problems spotting the varans as their
body temperatory is close to the surrounding environment. The cloaking
device also makes the varan quite invisible to the bio-scanners.
cybervaran enhancement
A cybervaran character is more than s standard varan described above.
The player is free to choose seven (7) enhancements from the
list below to make his varan stronger, tougher, better... no
enhancement can be taken more than 3 times. If the varan has no
enhancement taken 3 times, it gains additional enhancement for a total
of eight (8) enhancements.
the varan has +1 dice for all shooting
(but not grenade throwing, which there is no skill)
the varan has +1 dice for melee rolls.
Moreover, if the varan is target of a melee attack, these dice are reduced
from attacker's dice.
Extra Attack:
the varan has +1 melee attack
the varan has +1 hit point and
regeneration is enhanced to 1 point per 10 minutes (5, 3 minutes).
Varan weight is increased by 10 kg (20, 30)
Enhanced Sensors:
the varan has +1 dice
for perception rolls and better scanners.
the varan has increased movement rate
of 15/30 (if this advantage is taken multiple times, 20/40, 25/50
the varan can lift easily 300 kg and
carry more load. Jump distance is increased to 5/10 meters (400 kg and 6/12,
500 kg and 7/14 if taken multiple times). Maximum load is modified
accordingly (60/80/100), and varan weight is increased by 10 kg (20,30)
Strong legs:
the varan has extra strong legs and
its jump distance is increased by +3/+6 meters. In addition, safe fall
distance is increased by 2 meters (if landing on feet). This enhancement can
be taken only once.
Extra Agility:
the varan is a very agile one,
and has +2 dice for all agility tests. This enchancement can only be
taken once.
Any equipment is freely selected from the
equipment page. There is no limit/restrictions to the starting
equipment, except for carrying capacity (see equipment for details).
Battlesuit has enough compartments, pockets and other carrying things
for all the weapons the varan has.
Created varan can be written on character sheet (, 17kB)
sample cybervaran - assault varan
basic varan
- We create a fast assault varan, with melee/speed/armor essential. Note
that 8 enhancements because we take no x3 enhancement.
- 2x Extra attack (for a total of 5 melee attacks)
- 2x Fighter (for two extra melee dice)
- 2x Fast (for a final speed of 20/40)
- 2x Strong (for lift 400 kg, jump 6/12, improved melee damage)
- Base health (3 hit points) and regeneration (1 per 30 minutes)
- The light assault/melee varan needs sufficient armor protection
and weapons for close quarter fighting. So we fit it with following
- Heavy carbon-composite armor (15kg) - good defense
- Combat blades (1kg) - backup weapon
- Extinguisher (1kg) - in a case of fire emergency
- Sword (2kg) - long reach
- Nailer (4kg), 5 clips (5kg) - sufficient firepower
- Flame Thrower (4kg), 3 loads (3kg) - special firepower
- 3x HE grenade (3kg) - large/multiple targets
- 2x Melta grenade (2kg) - ditto
Total 40kg of equipment/accessories (jump limited to 4/8 meters)
sample cybervaran - backup/firepower varan
basic varan
- We create a backup varan for fire support
- 3x Accurate (for +3 shooting dice)
- 3x Tougher (for total of 6 hit points, regenerate 1 per 3 minutes)
- 1x Strong (for lift 300 kg, jump 5/10)
- Base movement (10/20) and melee attacks (3)
- The backup firepower varan needs just that, heavy firepower.
And lots of it, so it does not run out immediately.
- Standard carbon-molecular armor (6kg) - sufficient armor
- Plasma Rifle (12kg), 3 packs (15kg) - heavy firepower
- 3x Bazooka (9kg) - some targets are too big
- 3x HE Grenade (3kg) - special locations
Total 45kg of equipment (jump limited to 3/6 meters, movement
sample cybervaran - scout varan
basic varan
- We create a fast and light scout varan for surveillance
- 3x Fast (total movement 25/50)
- 2x Enhanced Sensors (+2 perception rolls)
- Fighter (+1 melee dice)
- Tougher (4 hit points, regenerates 1 per 15 minutes)
- Base melee attacks (3)
- The scout varan has little equipment so that it may move silently
and in walls/roof.
- Light carbon armor (1kg)
- Mini-rockets (1kg) - emergency weapon
- Cable system (1kg)
- Buzz-saw (1kg)
- Extinguisher (1kg)
- Sniper Rifle (3kg), 2 clips (2kg) - basic weapon
- 2x HE Grenade (2kg) - always needed
Total 12kg of equipment/accessories