Neo-Hunt 3.3

This is the new edition with big changes in general game flow: one command at the time. Moreover the system is more simple and no extra counters are used anymore.


Use following steps to set-up for the game:

  1. Set-up semi-random map: Shuffle 6 non-corner sectors and put random one to center. Remove the other identical non-corner sector and put the remaining four as a side sectors so that the identical ones are opposite each other.
  2. Randomized corners. Players can then move so that they are sitting next to their corner
  3. 3 troopers to every side sector (not corners), 6 to center. Rest 32 are put aside and enter the game board later.
  4. Player varans (A,B,C) are put to the corresponding corner (color)
  5. In a 3 player game, man-in-the-middle can put one varan to the remaining free corner sector

Alternative rules

Some alternative rules which can be used:

Game Rules


In Neo-Hunt 3.3, things work in the priority order. Turn actions are selected by the players at the same time and then executed in the command priority number, lowest first. If several players have selected a command with same priority, secondary priority rules are used.

Player priority order is used when the players have the same command or when the varans are targeted. In commands, the player with highest priority goes first; in targeting, the varans of the player with lowest priority are targeted first.

  1. Least (most) points
  2. Least (most) varans
  3. Most (least) varan damage
  4. Player whose varan's start sector is in direction of the center sector's white corner, or first player clockwise of her (in starting sectors, not in the sitting order). (note: this is never reversed, but this player always goes first or is targeted first)

Thus, if two players have the same command, the player with less points goes first and so on. Similarily, if either of them can be targeted by an attack, varans of the player with more points is favored.

Turn sequence

Game of Neo-Hunt 3 is played in turns. During each turn, all players act. The sequence of the turn actions is:

  1. Each player selects a command from hand (simultanous blind). A player cannot select a command of the same varan that moved last action (relocate command is not counted)
  2. Reveal all played commands and put on the top of previous commands played by the same player, if any
  3. Handle commands in priority order, smallest number first
  4. Take all used commands back to hand if the last command was 'troopers'

The game ends at the end of the turn in which troopers were played and all troopers have been killed (including reinforcements) or one or more players have no varans left.

Targeting rules

In Neo-Hunt 3.3, players practically have never own choice in which targets their varans attack. They can simply choose which varan attacks and the rest of the attack is done according to the following poriorized rules: the varan attacks the first in the rules list. If tied, use the next applicable rule. Note that the rules are always in the same order, some are simply missing because they never apply to particular type of an attack.

Range of an attack:

Visible: in the same, next or in a sector across a hall sector
Close: this or the sector next to this

Varan can never attack an own varan, except as a side-effect.

Priority rules (based on target):

Sector: no own, same sector, most targets, most troopers, smallest command, cover
Troopers: same sector, most troopers, cover
Varan: same sector, smallest command, cover

Final rule: player priority order (reversed), or own selection. Explanation of various rule terms:

No own: no own varans in the sector
Most targets: (biggest) total number of hostile units
Cover: (worst) cover against the attack (if applies) or (best) shot cover for the own varan (in assault)
Smallest command: a varan with smallest command number (in the target sector). If a same player has several varans with the same command (move, troopers or not commanded), use order C, B, A


Each command has either black (B), white (W) or grey (=no) dot. When an attack is performed, count all black and white dots of the current commands (all players) plus possible other modifiers (target sector, special modifiers). If either color has majority, that is the result. If final dots are tied, use the default result (red bordered result in the command card).

Example (2 player game): Varan C has shoot (dot B), varan B has grenade (dot W) and is in office (cover W). C shoots B. Dots are black (shoot), white (grenade) and white (cover). Shot result (majority) is white, which is miss. B throws grenade back to C (in storage). Dots are is white (grenade), and black (shoot), for tied result. Thus C command default result is used, for "black" (no damage for varan).


Each killed trooper is worth 1 point. Each killed varan is worth 3 points for the killer (if killed by an own varan or troopers, no one gets the point). The player with most points wins the game. If tied, the one with most surviving varans.

If player loses her last varan, she also loses all points and loses the game.

Game Components Summary

Game components are available as postscript ready-to-print files. See preview page for details and thumbnails.

sectors (4 corners, 6 others)

Open: id 1, cover: W. Varans and troopers can shoot through it
Storage/corner: id 2
Office: id 3, cover: B

varans (3 per player, 4 player colors)

A: 2 hit points, +W against shots and assaults from the same sector
B: 3 hit points
C: 4 hit points, +B against shots and assaults from the same sector

commands (9 per player)

1: C shoot (B)
2: B shoot (B)
3: C tank buster (B)
4: A trooper assault ()
5: A varan hunt ()
6: relocate (W)
7: troopers ()
8: B grenade (W)
9: grenade (W)

troopers (total 50)

All identical, use some glass stones or other playing pieces.

NEO-HUNT 3.3 © Kalle Marjola 2003.