Old leagues were: ExBBLe (Fall 2001-2002) and its shadow-league, peasant league PeBBLe, ReNaBBLe (Fall 2000-2001), YABBLe (Fall 1999-2000), NeBBLe (Fall 1998-1999) and its partner, BiBBLe, the big league for big teams, ReBBLe (Fall 1997-1998), HUBBLe (Fall 1996-1997). I also organized an open league during spring-summer 1996 which has no real name, it was just called League '96
Stuff available here
Old New RulesWe use those in ReNaBBLe (Finnish) or NeBBLe (English) nowadays, but these are for those interested in more 'official' rules
My teams
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